August 2024 LPEP Spotlight: Joseph Pangrazio

Joseph Pangrazio is a law clerk at Lonich Patton Ehrlich Policastri.

Fun facts about your professional life and why

  • Dream job as a kid?
    Being a NASCAR driver. The looks and sounds of racecars had so much appeal to me as a kid. I still enjoy cool cars today.

Fun facts about your personal life and why

  • Favorite season?
    The autumn. I love the airā€™s crispness and the changing leaves. Halloween and its buildup, followed by celebrating family on Thanksgiving, are so fun.

Random fun facts and why

  • Mountains or beach?
    Beach. Iā€™ve always been around beaches as a lifelong Californian. The sounds of waves never get old. My favorite spot is probably Zuma in Malibu.