December 2023 LPEP Spotlight: Mitchell Ehrlich

Mitchell Ehrlich is a partner at Lonich Patton Ehrlich Policastri.

Fun facts about your professional life and why

  • What was your first job?
    Can’t do just first job- I had lots of jobs in high school: Stock boy- Longs Drugs, Paint sales- Montgomery Wards, Jewelry Sales- Etcetera, Sportswear sales at Macys. Macy’s was the best- they paid commissions!!

Fun facts about your personal life and why

  • What is the best concert you’ve ever been to?
    That’s tough… In high school- 3 way tie between U2 (Oakland Coliseum); Summer Jam 88 Shoreline- (LL, Kool Moe Dee, Ice T) & Too Short/NWA. In college… only bad college bands More recently… tie between Smashing Pumpkins and Billy Joel.

Random fun facts and why

  • What is your favorite thing to put on toast? 
    Great question! Lots of thoughts here.. toast and butter growing up every day… for a treat, cinnamon sugar toast. I don’t eat toast much now- when I do, – butter and jam !! For years it was grape jelly only- but then I realized how many awesome jams and jellies are out there. Wow!!. Now I’ll try 3 or 4 different kinds on one piece!!