November 2023 LPEP Spotlight: Kaitlyn Fontaine

Kaitlyn Fontaine is a law clerk at Lonich Patton Ehrlich Policastri.

Fun facts about your professional life and why

  • What was your first job?
    At 15, I got my first job as a summer camp counselor and swim instructor.

Fun facts about your personal life and why

  • Where has your favorite vacation been to date?
    My favorite vacation was going to Pangai, Haā€™apai, Tonga. I swam with the migrating humpback whales there. The whales migrate from the Antarctic to breed, so the water is filled with adult whales and their calves.

Random fun facts and why

  • What is your least favorite exercise at the gym?
    My least favorite exercise at the gym has to be pull-ups. I never seem to be able to master them!