An Action to Establish Parentage Might Help You Obtain Child Support from Your Child’s Other Parent
A parentage action is a court proceeding in which the court makes a determination of child’s legal parents. Quite often this is not in dispute, but sometimes parentage is disputed for various reasons. Where the parents are not married, a parentage action or at least a determination of parentage is required as part of any effort to obtain child support, visitation, or custody. Either the mother father (even if disputed) of the child can file this type of action.
It is important to know that the legal parents of a child have an obligation to financially support their child. A legal parent also has the right to obtain custody and/or visitation rights in relation to the child.
For more information about how you can establish parentage of your child, please contact our family law attorneys at Lonich Patton Erlich Policastri for more information. Please remember that each individual situation is unique and results discussed in this post are not a guarantee of future results. While this post may include legal issues, it is not legal advice. Use of this site does not create an attorney-client relationship.