Less Costly Divorce Alternatives Exist in California
A study that came out earlier this year reported a decline in the number of divorces occurring during the recession. In 2005, the divorce rate was 17.3 percent. This number sank to 16.4 in 2009. Yet, depending on how you interpret the results, this could be both good and bad news. The good news is that there are fewer divorces which may mean that some couples may be finding ways to work through rough patches. However, the bad news is that this could also mean that couples who are badly in need of a divorce are not seeking them due to financial strain. For the article discussing the study, please click here.
Do you feel stuck in a dead-end marriage but can’t afford to get out? If so, you have many options available to you. First, it is likely a good idea to seek the advice of a qualified family law attorney. Your lawyer can help you figure out what is the best way to meet your goals. For example, your lawyer may suggest you try divorce mediation. Divorce mediation is a process of divorcing where a neutral third party helps the couple divide assets and make decisions regarding custody and other issues. Your attorney may suggest divorce mediation if the divorce has been a mutual decision and if both parties have no desire to reconcile.
If divorce mediation is not an option, your attorney may suggest filing for a legal separation. A legal separation does not legally end your marriage. Rather, it allows you and your spouse to live separately and make sole decisions about money, property, and parenting issues.
For more information about more affordable divorce alternatives please contact us. Please remember that each individual situation is unique and results discussed in this post are not a guarantee of future results. While this post may include legal issues, it is not legal advice. Use of this site does not create an attorney-client relationship.